Tonga Eruption

How the Tonga volcano has been felt around the world

by Amir Hassan

On January 15, 2022, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano in the Pacific Ocean erupted with an unprecedented force. The massive explosion sent shockwaves around the world, creating tsunamis, disrupting communication networks, and impacting global climate patterns. The eruption was so powerful that its effects were recorded as far as North America and Europe, demonstrating the interconnectedness of natural disasters in our modern world.

This blog explores the global impact of the Tonga volcano eruption, from local devastation to worldwide environmental and economic consequences.

JMA Himawari-8 True Color RGB images created using Geo2Grid (above) showed the rapid expansion of a volcanic cloud following an explosive eruption of Hunga Tonga on 15 January 2022. An abrupt shock wave was also evident, which propagated radially outward in all directions. The volcanic cloud also exhibited a striking appearance in GOES-17 (GOES-West) “Clean” Infrared Window (10.35 µm) images (below), with a pronounced arc of cloud-top gravity waves along its eastern edge as the bulk of the cloud material drifted westward. Pulsing concentric shock waves were also seen in the infrared imagery.
SSEC/CIMSS, University of Wisconsin–Madison (Attribution or Attribution), via Wikimedia Commons

The Immediate Impact on Tonga

The eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was one of the most powerful in recent history. It sent an ash plume over 58 km (36 miles) into the sky, generated a tsunami, and caused severe damage to Tonga’s infrastructure.

Destruction in Tonga

  • Tsunami Damage: Waves as high as 15 meters (50 feet) struck Tonga’s shores, destroying homes and displacing thousands of people.
  • Ashfall: Volcanic ash blanketed the islands, contaminating water supplies and damaging crops.
  • Communication Blackout: The eruption severed Tonga’s only undersea communication cable, isolating the island nation from the rest of the world for weeks.

While emergency response teams and international aid organizations rushed to provide assistance, the long-term recovery of Tonga remains a major challenge due to its geographic isolation.

The Tsunami’s Reach: Waves Across the Pacific

The eruption triggered a massive tsunami that was felt across the Pacific Ocean. Countries thousands of miles away reported unusual wave activity and coastal flooding.

Affected Regions

  • Japan: Coastal areas experienced waves up to 1.2 meters high, prompting evacuations.
  • United States & Canada: California, Alaska, and British Columbia recorded surges and issued tsunami advisories.
  • Peru: Despite being thousands of miles away, Peru suffered two fatalities due to high waves and coastal flooding.
  • Australia & New Zealand: Both nations saw higher-than-usual waves and minor coastal flooding.

These distant effects underscore how interconnected global ocean systems are and how undersea volcanic activity can send ripples—both literal and figurative—across the planet.

The Shockwave Heard Around the World

One of the most astonishing aspects of the eruption was the immense pressure wave it generated. The blast was so strong that it sent an atmospheric shockwave around the globe multiple times.

How It Was Detected Globally

  • Barometers Worldwide: Pressure fluctuations were recorded in countries as far away as the UK and the US.
  • Sonic Booms: The explosion was audible in places over 2,000 km (1,200 miles) away, with reports of sonic booms heard in Alaska.
  • Satellite Imagery: The eruption’s shockwave was visibly captured by weather satellites, providing a stunning illustration of its power.

The Tonga eruption provided an unprecedented opportunity for scientists to study how such atmospheric disturbances travel across the world.

Climate and Environmental Effects

Volcanic eruptions have historically played a role in shaping global climate patterns. While the Tonga eruption did not emit as much sulfur dioxide as eruptions like Mount Pinatubo in 1991, it still had noticeable atmospheric effects.

Changes in Atmospheric Water Vapor

The eruption released an enormous amount of water vapor into the stratosphere. This excess moisture can influence global weather patterns by:

  • Trapping heat, potentially contributing to short-term warming.
  • Altering cloud formation, which could impact rainfall patterns in some regions.

Impact on Oceanic and Marine Life

  • The force of the eruption likely disrupted marine ecosystems near Tonga, affecting fish populations and coral reefs.
  • Changes in ocean acidity due to volcanic ash deposits may have long-term consequences for marine biodiversity.

While further studies are needed, the eruption is a reminder of how interconnected atmospheric and oceanic systems are.

Economic Disruptions

The eruption’s impact extended beyond immediate destruction and environmental changes—it also affected global supply chains and industries.

Disruptions to International Shipping

  • Undersea Cables: The severed communication cable between Tonga and the world disrupted financial transactions, internet access, and logistics for weeks.
  • Shipping Routes: Volcanic ash and tsunami-related debris created hazards for cargo ships and fishing vessels in the Pacific.

Financial Losses and Insurance Impacts

  • The eruption and subsequent tsunami caused millions in damages to infrastructure and businesses, leading to increased insurance claims and economic burdens on affected nations.
  • The tourism industry in the Pacific suffered setbacks as travelers reconsidered destinations affected by natural disasters.

Scientific Breakthroughs and Research Opportunities

The Tonga eruption provided a unique case study for researchers studying volcanic activity, tsunami behavior, and atmospheric disturbances.

Advancements in Volcanology

  • Scientists were able to analyze the rapid escalation of the eruption, helping to improve early warning systems for future underwater volcanic events.
  • New models were developed to understand how submarine eruptions differ from land-based volcanic activity.

Improvements in Global Tsunami Warning Systems

  • The unexpected reach of the tsunami highlighted the need for better monitoring and alert systems for underwater eruptions.
  • Researchers are working on refining tsunami prediction models based on the data gathered from the Tonga event.


The eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was a stark reminder of nature’s power and its far-reaching effects. What began as a local disaster quickly became a global event, demonstrating how interconnected our planet is. From tsunami waves and atmospheric disturbances to economic disruptions and scientific breakthroughs, the impact of the Tonga eruption was felt worldwide.

As the world continues to study and learn from this event, one thing is clear—our understanding of natural disasters must continue to evolve to better prepare for the challenges of an unpredictable planet.

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